A microsite showcasing Joia Net Fibra+ with company information, services, contact form, social media links, photo gallery, blog section, about us, testimonials, FAQs, special offers, all presented in a professional, attractive, and user-friendly design for optimal SEO performance and user engagement.
The microsite "Business Life 101" serves as a comprehensive online resource for business students, featuring essential tools, tips, and insights to navigate their academic and professional journeys.
TutorConnect Africa is a vibrant online platform that bridges educational gaps by connecting international volunteer experts and tutors with African students, focusing on providing free, high-quality tutoring in various subjects and essential skills, including Artificial Intelligence; the platform features virtual classes for group learning and one-on-one sessions for personalized education.
Un microsite visuellement attrayant et interactif dédié à un club d’enfants, mettant en valeur des activités, des événements et des ressources ludiques grâce à un design coloré utilisant HTML et CSS.